Last week I wrote a post about discouragement that can come by sharing tracts (you can read it here). The point was we don’t always see fruit, but that doesn’t mean the Lord isn’t working.

The Lord knew I was needed some encouragement in this area…..

So, He allowed me to see someone who was sharing those tracts with others.

A Christian friend of mine who attends another church sells snacks to children during the week. She always loves to get tracts from me, and especially likes the “chick tracts” that use cartoons to share the Gospel.

After reading the tracts herself, she will always try to share them with others so that the Word of God can spread. Because the children are there (and love reading my tracts) they usually receive them.

Handing her a stack of tracts to look through Friday, I noticed a pile of them in a plastic bag on her lap. Seeing that reminded me of an important truth.

The Gospel will Multiply!

by that I mean God’s Word will impact hearts and lives. Then once that impact has been made, the person will want to share it with others! That process will continue till more and more people will share.

Because the Gospel multiplies, we must scatter it far and wide.

It’s tempting sometimes to be strategic about how to share tracts here since my resources are limited, and they come from America. But the power of the Gospel to transform lives (and others as they share themselves) motivates us to give liberally.

Because we know that seed will produce fruit.

Friend we don’t always see the fruit of the Gospel. But rest assured fruit will come.

So just keep throwing out the seed.

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